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RAY of HOPE: The First Clinical Trial to Support Vitamin D Therapy For Covid-19/CCP Virus finds a Vitamin D Metabolite Calcifediol Works Miracles (needs confirmation)

re: Study finds over 80 percent of COVID-19 patients have vitamin D deficiency
re: Low Vitamin D Strongly Associated with Risk of COVID-19 Death / More Severe Outcomes

I recommended Vitamin D as well as sunlight exposure months ago, and repeatedly.

Vitamin D by itself is a fraction of the nutritional equation. Top of your list should be magnesium and Vitamin K2 along with Vitamin D—a synergistic trio. And you CANNOT get enough magnesium and Vitamin K2 via diet unless your diet is highly unusual—it’s almost impossible in a modern diet on modern farmlands. Don’t forget other nutrients, minimize sugar and carbohydrates, and get plenty of Vitamin C.

Why is the USA medical community fiddling while Rome burns? My lifetime experience as well as conversations with many doctors tells me clearly: on the whole and excepting a few doctors, the allopathic medical establishment is ignorant about nutrition, or even the value of sunlight because they (medical doctors) get nil training in it. And doctors don’t go looking for stuff they don’t understand.

I know that when I suspected that I had COVID-19, my doctor didn’t even mention Vitamin D (nutrition is a non-topic, poisons like statins are so much easier).

OK, so not every medical specialty has to step up, but why can’t at least internists and infectious disease doctors get their act together? Or the big medical organizations?

Why don’t we ALREADY have a dozen gold-standard studies on Vitamin D already completed here in the USA? What feckless organizations besides Big Pharma are failing to do these studies... or perhaps actively lobbying against studying such inexpensive treatments?

How many people have to die so that Big Pharma can sell us $3000-per-treatment drug that hardly work?

This study could be wrong, it could be faked, etc. But it claims to be randomized controlled study (the gold standard), and the results are so outrageously GOOD that maybe this whole damn mess could be ended tomorrow with some $0.25 pills.

The researchers here used the metabolite the body makes from Vitamin D3, but since either sunlight or Vitamin D supplementation will produce this metabolite in short order, the results are likely to hold simply via prevention for a huge portion of the at-risk population.

Effect of Calcifediol Treatment and best Available Therapy versus best Available Therapy on Intensive Care Unit Admission and Mortality Among Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Pilot Randomized Clinical study [Excerpts]

Oral calcifediol, the main metabolite of vitamin D3, reduced ICU admission from 50% to 2% among Covid-19 patients.

•  The Vitamin D endocrine system may have a variety of actions on cells and tissues involved in COVID-19 progression.
•  Administration of calcifediol or 25-hydroxyvitamin D to hospitalized COVID-19 patients significantly reduced their need for Intensive Care United admission.
• Calcifediol seems to be able to reduce severity of the disease.

The Vitamin D endocrine system may have a variety of actions on cells and tissues involved in COVID-19 progression especially by decreasing the Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Calcifediol can rapidly increase serum 25OHD concentration. We therefore evaluated the effect of calcifediol treatment, on Intensive Care Unit Admission and Mortality rate among Spanish patients hospitalized for COVID-19.


Of 50 patients treated with calcifediol, one required admission to the ICU (2%), while of 26 untreated patients, 13 required admission... Of the patients treated with calcifediol, none died, and all were discharged, without complications.

The 13 patients not treated with calcifediol, who were not admitted to the ICU, were discharged. Of the 13 patients admitted to the ICU [not treated], two died and the remaining 11 were discharged.


Our pilot study demonstrated that administration of a high dose of Calcifediol or 25-hydroxyvitamin D, a main metabolite of vitamin D endocrine system, significantly reduced the need for ICU treatment of patients requiring hospitalization due to proven COVID-19. Calcifediol seems to be able to reduce severity of the disease, but larger trials with groups properly matched will be required to show a definitive answer.

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