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Long-Haul COVID 19: WSJ: “For Covid Long-Haulers, a Little-Known Diagnosis Offers Possible Treatments—and New Challenges”

As far as I can tell, I have self-cured myself of long-haul COVID. Just before Thanksgiving, I experienced a huge increase in energy level, and a plummeting of sleep requirements from 12+ hours per day to 8-10 hours per day. I have gotten far stronger on the bike (when I could barely manage an easy 1-mile walk most of October and November!), regaining some of my fitness as well.

As time allows, I will spell out what I think led to my recovery—a multi-part strategy based on sleep and rest, nutritional support, dietary choices. And now, infrared irraditiation, which so far has correlated with stunning improvements (big jumps in wattage) on my (now resumed) cycling activities.

I did not consult any doctors, since few have even a basic knowledge of nutrition, which is a prerequisite for any organism to be healthy. Indeed, the primary concern of my internist was my cholesterol level (known to rise when the body is fighting infection eg Epstein Barr Virus), when I had been suffering severe brain fog and energy problems for months. What a dumb-fuck, bringing up the wrong topic at the wrong time based on the discredited cholesterol hypothesis. Dr. HODAD.

WSJ: “For Covid Long-Haulers, a Little-Known Diagnosis Offers Possible Treatments—and New Challenges”

A disorder called POTS offers some treatment paths, but they are often arduous.

Some patients with long-term Covid symptoms are getting more potential treatment options as doctors diagnose them with a little-known syndrome called POTS.

It’s a disorder of the autonomic nervous system that can have a variety of causes, and it existed before Covid. One common trigger is an infection, such as a virus. Now some doctors believe that the coronavirus is triggering the disorder in some people, providing an explanation for debilitating symptoms including dramatically elevated heart rates from small movements, dizziness and extreme fatigue after even minor physical activity.

The good news, experts say, is there are protocols and treatments for POTS, which stands for postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome. They include a guided, very gradual return to physical activity; compression stockings or abdominal compression to prevent blood pooling in the lower half of the body; increased salt and fluid intake if blood pressure is low; and sometimes medications to regulate blood pressure, heart rate and blood volume.

...Some experts believe POTS may be autoimmune in some cases. Several studies have indicated that patients with POTS have antibodies that are attacking the autonomic nerves in the heart and blood vessels.


POTS is a made-up term for “we are guessing at what is going on and we don’t really know the things we ought to be looking for to really explain it, let alone cure it”.

But I’m heartened to see at least some doctors at work on this task. But IMO, they are not pursing the obvious low-hanging fruit: fix the nervous system disfunction. This only some specialists have the skills to do (not necessarily doctors). It is a very sad state of ignorance.

Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve: Self-Help Exercises for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, and Autism @AMAZON

I find it VERY odd that these doctors make no mention of Epstein Barr Virus, or of magnesium deficiency, or inadequate Vitamin D and Vitamin K2 or the vagus nerves. And no organism can achieve health without proper nutrition!

As I’ve been saying to my doctor friends for some time and as I’ve previously stated in this blog: long-haul COVID likely stems in large measure to disruption of the balance between the dorsal and ventral vagus nerves. And that’s on top of direct physical damage.

It definitely can involve auto-immune activation eg Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis as in my case, and other issues and might involved depression of the mitochondrial energy system. All my actions for these causes were premised on healing these systems—and I have succeeded.

For myself, all indications are that I have no physical damage, I say this based on my own ongonig observations (over decades) of lung function and heart function over decades. My sense is that the issues I had were nervous system disruption/imbalance combined with auto-immune activation eg Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis.

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