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Sebastian Rushworth MD: Do vitamin D supplements protect against respiratory infections?

Always take Vitamin D along with magnesium and Vitamin K2.

Risk management says that failure to fix a Vitamin D deficiency (almost everyone in the winter) is a serious risk. But the government and medical establishment are silent about it during the pandemic—WTF?

Sebastian Rushworth MD: Do vitamin D supplements protect against respiratory infections?

...among people with a Vitamin D deficiency at the start of the studies, the percentage getting a respiratory infection during the study periods dropped from 55% to 41% with a vitamin D supplement. That is a big effect (14% absolute reduction) and it was statistically significant. Any medication that achieved an effect size that big would be a blockbuster and make billions of dollars for the company that invented it. However, among individuals with normal vitamin D levels to begin with, no benefit was found to taking a supplement...

...daily and weekly dosing was protective against infection, but that more infrequent bolus dosing (monthly or quarterly) was not protective. What this means is that there is a clear advantage to taking smaller doses of vitamin D frequently rather than large doses occasionally. When the ineffectiveness of bolus-dosing was accounted for, it was found that the decreased risk of infection was significantly bigger than it had initially appeared. Among people with a Vitamin D deficiency who took Vitamin D daily or weekly, the proportion that got an infection dropped from 60% to 32% . That is an absolute risk reduction of 28 percent! Among people without deficiency, the absolute risk reduction was 6%.

...Conclusions: Vitamin D isn’t going to magically make you immune to respiratory infections, but it will likely decrease the frequency with which you get them by a bit if you are not deficient, and by a lot if you are deficient. People who are likely to be deficient are those who don’t get a lot of sun (the elderly frequently fall in to this category), those with darker skin living in northern latitudes, those covering large amounts of skin whenever they are outside (a lot of muslim females fall in to this category). If you belong to any of these categories, you should definitely be taking a vitamin D supplement. If you don’t, it’s unlikely to hurt, and it might help.


WIND: and here we are with COVID and our leadership saying there is nothing we can do to change the course of the pandemic—tragic.

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