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On The Bike Endurance Fueling: Hammer Perpetuem

2012-02-23 • SEND FEEDBACK
Related: health, nutrition, training

Hammer Perpetuem

In 2011, I began using Hammer Nutrition Perpetuem Solids, which is one of my favorite energy sources for my training rides.

See also comments from Steve Born of Hammer in my Feb 23, 2012 blog entry.

Perpetuem Solids

The Perpetuem Solids require chewing and some fluid, so they are not for intense efforts, though I can scarf 3 at a time with no problem at all if I have a reasonable breathing rate. The powder version mixes with water, and is thus take in via regular hydration.

Under hard exertion, the solids are not a practical choice (breathing/chewing/drinking), but I use them more and more for workouts, because I can control the number of calories (33 calories per tablet), and I can stop or slow down to consume them (say at the top of a climb).

What I particularly like about the Solids is the 6-tablet plastic flask, which lets me pop out 1/2/3/4 tablets as I choose, very quick and no mess to deal with. Just don’t hold that flask against the handlebar while it’s open, or you might find that the tablets jump out onto the pavement!

The downside to the flask is that it continues to take up space in a jersey pocket even when empty, so use a plastic baggy as an alternative, which also allows packing a lot more tablets space efficiently.

Flavor: I generally mix Caffé Latte flavor (caffeine) with another flavor half and half in each 6-serving tube.

Perpetuem powder

The Perpetuem powder is a great choice, but in a race situation there is no time to mix it, so unless the race/event providers are mixing it frequently for you, it’s not an practical option.

That said, a century or double century allows mixing time unless one is gunning for the lowest possible time. I do not like depending on race/event organizers for nutrition, because sometimes I cannot get what I prefer (bananas and bagels are a disaster for me).

Once mixed, Perpetuem mix does not keep well in heat. It should be kept cold or at least cool once mixed, otherwise the palatability becomes unfriendly after a few hours. Mix and consume in an hour or less if it’s hot or you might not like the warm brew.

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