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What’s Behind America’s Doctor Crisis?

re: climate change

I recently talked to a retired doctor friend of mine just yesterday. He not only confirmed my fears, but it’s even worse than I suspected.

You have to be out of your mind to become a doctor—and that’s whose signing up.

What’s Behind America’s Doctor Crisis?


Physicians are retiring in greater numbers as burnout levels increase; at the same time Americans are placing higher demands on the health care system.

...The other reason is due to what Dr. Ross called the “corporatization of medicine.”...

“The administrative burden or hassle, as many doctors describe it, is very disheartening,” Dr. William Schaffner, infectious disease specialist at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told The Epoch Times... Doctors didn’t go to medical school in anticipation of arguing with insurance companies. It’s depressing and discouraging,” Dr. Schaffner said.

...The shift away from independent practices is emblematic of the fiscal uncertainty and economic stress many physicians face due to statutory payment cuts in Medicare, rising practice costs, and intrusive administrative burdens,” ...

...There are only 24 hours a day. You can either be on your computer documenting a patient, or you can be seeing the next patient,” Dr. Schaffner said....

...The rules of corporate medicine aren’t making this problem any easier, says Dr. Ross. The “revenue value unit,” or RVU, is now the standard method of evaluating physician productivity.

“Physicians really feel like cogs in a wheel. They’re evaluated on their production. How much are they billing? How much [money] are they bringing in for their practice? Not so much the quality of care or patient satisfaction,” Dr. Ross said.


WIND: the structural changes were driven by ObamaCare, the worst bastardization of the system ever—and that’s saying a lot given how awful it was prior. It started selecting for profit-drive corporations and ethics-free doctors, driving out the good and promoting the worst. It’s obvious and in-your-face now.

The article above only touches on the hassles, not the root of the problem: not just the elimination of merit-driven admission, but actively suppressing it via the killer woke mind virus known as DEI—death, enmity and idiocy—the working methodology driving medical schools.

There will be no good doctors within 10 years. All the good ones, what few remain, will have retired, and probably early. But will it matter? Maybe not given all the chaos in progress.

What we’ll be left with for medical students will be the dregs, those taking up the woke mind virus the best, those the nil critical thinking skills, etc. The worst possible candidates for integrity and rigor. It’s going to be very very bad. This is not the future, this starts now with this year’s graduates.

Exceptions? Some of course (are they foolish for trying?). But that’s not the point. They will be beaten down by the intellectual tyranny in school and employment. A rare few Atlas-grade ones will run the gauntlet, but not many.

Fee based medicine

System design is destiny. The hydra of health insurance + Big Pharma + Big Medicine today is the worst possible system for patients. This country should ban health insurance as we know it. Because the system is hopelessly non-functional and driven by the wrong things.

I pay a doctor a monthly fee not covered by insurance as he takes none. Great care (albeit conventional), same day if need be. He is one of the few with the courage and strength to stay independent. I have no choice in the matter, and this doctor made it financially feasible. Otherwise, out of the question.

Trauma care and a few things like that... sure. But even there you had better be careful.

Everything else you’re taking your very life in your hands: the doctors at Sutter I once had that were competent and grounded have now all retired as of a few years ago. They left early, no surprise there. What is left are the worst of the paint-by-numbers crowd. All those feckless turds do (repeated disappointments!) is type into a computer, never really examining let along thinking/questioning beyond kindergarten level. EG total wanton incompetence and ignorance. No, I am not joking, these doctors are pathetic losers. As in I would not see them unless I had no other option, and would fear for my life due to absurd “standard of care” one-size-fits-all.

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